Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Secret Message of Jesus

Several people asked me to review Brian McLaren's new book: The Secret Message of Jesus. So here is my review in the form of a top ten list.
10. The last 2 books he wrote were very controversial. I do not expect as much controversy from this book.
9. That being said, if people really understand what Brian is say and live it (which most people won't) this could be his most revolutionary book to date.
8. Great subject matter: all about the kingdom of God . . . This is a subject I have been studying in depth this last year, I am excited to see a good book come out on it.
7. If you are going to read it (which I recommend) you must read the whole book. It starts slow, and almost like he is trying to conceal what he is say (kind of like Jesus did). He approaches the kingdom of God from various angles, and as the book moves along it gains momentum (like the kingdom).
6. A book I enjoyed reading with it was The Good News about Injustice (which I just have a few pages left of). I recommend reading these two books together as the book on Justice develops one aspect of the Kingdom of God in greater detail.
5. My understanding of the Kingdom of God was enhanced because of this book.
4. Again, I may not be 100% behind everything Brian says in this book, but that is not really the point of reading is it. Learning is (for me) and enjoyment, I did both with this book.
3. Lots of people like to criticize Brian, saying that he is drifting away from the bible. Yet this books has more scripture than any of his books to date.
2. One thing I appreciate about Brian is after I read any of his books it gives me a deeper hunger for the Word of God. I have questions like "Could it really be?" and I am led back to scripture. In this case Revelations . . . A book I had given up on long ago.
1. One things I am taking away from the book. I have been struggling for a while to come up with other metaphors for the kingdom of God. "Kingdom" does not really communicate in our day and age like it did back in Jesus, for a ton of reasons. I have felt a need to explore new ways to communicate it. If Jesus were here today, what metaphors would he use to communicate his message. Brian explores some that are very helpful. My favorite metaphor for the "kingdom of God": The dream of God. We spread God's dream (desire) for his creation where a nightmare currently exists. God brings a better way to live where people find forgiveness and reconciliation.