Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Good News About Injustice

Since I just finished reading this book, I thought I would give a quick review of it.
I believe that this is one book that everybody who is seeking to understand and live the kingdom of God should read. Not that this book communicates the whole message of the kingdom, but this book reveals in depth one aspect of the kingdom of God. To release the oppressed, to free the prisoner, to advocate for those who can't speak for themselves. In other words to help bring justice in a hurting world.
In one sense the book is an easy read, in another sense it is a very painful and difficult read. He walks you through story after story all over the world of people whose lives have been shattered. From children labor practices, to forced prostitution, to murder, and all the realities in the world that we try to shelter ourselves from. But they are real, they are true, and we are called to do something about it.
Jesus sees all that is in the world, is near to those who are being abused, and grieves for them. To follow Jesus means to no longer be in the dark, but to educate ourselves with what is going on, to have our hearts break as Jesus' does, and to avail ourselves to be used to bring the love and freedom of Jesus.
Reading this book has changed the way I see the world. It is like putting on glasses . . . Being able to see clearly where things were blurry before. It is scary to see better.
The Good News about injustice . . . It's for the oppressed . . . God wants to free them through you and me.